Right Turn: A Step Further: Workshop for Parents of Children that have Experienced Trauma
Saturday, March 23, 2019
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska - Lincoln
2301 O St.
Lincoln, NE 68510
A Step Further's curriculum is firmly rooted in research related to the impact trauma and loss has on the brain and how implementing therapeutic, enrichment, and educational activities can impact brain development.
The workshop focuses on:
•Assisting parents in understanding attachment milestones.
•Supports parents in implementing simple relationship building strategies.
•Gives parents tools to improve a child’s ability to form trusting relationships.
•Improves parents ability to connect with their child
•Helps parents understand how past traumas effect a child’s relationship ability.
Right Turn recognizes the enormity of the situations for families parenting children with extensive trauma histories. We are committed to providing a well rounded support to truly improve the quality of life, not just provide crisis management for the situation.
6 CEUs Available
Lunch is also provided.
This training is provided at no cost for Right Turn® eligible families. The cost for non-Right Turn® families is $35 for one parent/professional and $55 for two parents.