Children and Family Services and Creating a Family, a national adoption and foster care education and support non-profit organization, has expanded their partnership to enhance training opportunities for all foster homes across the State of Nebraska. All contracted Child Placing Agencies can now offer all of their foster and adoptive families access to an extensive and diverse training curriculum
16 hours of adoption training is required prior to an adoption occurring. Nebraska Additional Training for Children over 12 months or medical fragile (this training is for 12 months and above) or Nebraska Domestic Infant Adoption Package (this training is for adoptions of infant to 12 months of age only)
Foster parents can create an account by going to:
Click on the following website to browse training courses:
To access training:
1. Click on a training course
2. Sign in to your Creating a Family account
3. Contact NFAPA for the coupon code. 402-476-2273 or
4. This coupon code provides FREE trainings for foster and adoptive parents
• The training courses are audio based with no visual slide presentation that can be downloaded and listened to on the go, computers are not needed to complete these courses.
• A ten (10) question quiz is required to be completed at the end of each course and an 80% score is required to pass the course to show completion.
• Completion certificates are emailed directly to the training participants.
Spaulding: Making the Commitment to Adoption

Spaulding/In-service Training: Virtual
Spaulding/In-service Training: We are working hard on setting up future Spaulding: Making the Commitment to Adoption. If you have a location in mind, please contact the NFAPA office.
The Spaulding program is offered to prospective adoptive families and you will earn 12 CEU’s by completing the training. Spaulding training offers families the tools and information that they need to:
Explain how adoptive families are different
Importance of separation, loss, and grief in adoption
Understand attachment and its importance in adoption
Anticipate challenges and be able to identify strategies for managing challenges as an adoptive family
Explore the lifelong commitment to a child that adoption bring
When registering, please know this virtual 12-hour training is conducted over two days.
Friday Evening
6:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Exploring Expectations—Defining adoption, the process, and the key players. Participant’s hopes and fears about the adoption process are recognized and empowerment strategies are identified to assist them in the process. Participant’s explore their fantasies about children they might adopt to become aware of the possible influence on their decision about adoption.
Meeting the Needs of Waiting Children—Assist prospective adoptive parents in focusing on the needs of children awaiting adoption. Explore the issues of separation, loss, grief and attachment. Plus the unique issues related to parenting a child who has been sexually abused.
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Lunch on your own)
Exploring Adoption Issues—Identify supports within their family and introduce them to common issues that all adoptive families face. Help develop strategies for dealing with these issues; explore crisis periods in adoption; explore their own strengths, needs and challenges as they consider adoption.
Making the Commitment—Assist prospective adoptive parents in considering resources they may need, what they need to know, what they need to do, and what they need to explore about themselves as they consider adopting a particular child or children.
Register online at:
Foster Care EDU
Free, online training to facilitate foster care education conducted by trained professionals from the field. There are webinars hosted on a regular basis and on a variety of topics.
Families Rising (formerly NACAC) Webinars on Key Adoption and Foster Care Issues
Families Rising has upcoming webinars taught by experienced individuals who are adoption professionals and adoptive parents. We encourage you to share information about the sessions with parents and professionals who might be interested in this great educational opportunity. Check out their website for upcoming and previously aired and recorded webinars that are available by going to: Families Rising Training
Fees may apply.
Foster Care Institute
Foster Parent Training you can receive in the comfort of your own home. Dr. John DeGarmo, leading foster care expert, shares some of his own experience, as well as tips and strategies, designed to help you become a stronger foster parent. Each webinar is worth one hour credit, and Dr. John will send you a certificate for a fee.