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Virtual In-Service Training: Core Components of Attachment and Co-Regulation in the Role of a Foster Parent

Saturday, January 20, 2024
9:00 am11:00 am

This will be a time to explore the foundation of attachment, co-regulation, and how to respond to children in your care that have been impacted by complex trauma. This will be a space to reflect upon your own journey of providing foster care and your experiences of building safety and security with children in your home.

Lindsey Ondrak is the Outreach and Training Specialist with the Nebraska Resource Project for Vulnerable Young Children at the University of Nebraska’s Center for Children, Families, and the Law. She is a Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Endorsed Infant Mental Health Clinical Mentor in Nebraska. Lindsey provides outpatient treatment at the Counseling & Enrichment Center for children and their families with specialized training in trauma and attachment. She has experience working with children in foster and adoptive homes and is also a foster/adoptive parent.